SharePoint Search REST API. GET and POST requests

SharePoint Search provides REST query API that can be used to access search results. In other words, SharePoint search may be as a read-only data source which provides all the data you have (list items, documents, user profiles, and Office 365 services based on SharePoint such as Planner, Groups, Project Online and others)

In this post, I show how to use the SharePoint Search REST API to build up custom solutions.

Search APIs

There are many APIs to process search queries in SharePoint 2013/2016/Online:

  • .NET Server-side object model (SSOM) - old school approach for farm solutions. Not applicable for SharePoint Online
  • .NET Client-side object model (CSOM) - for client .NET applications
  • Silverlight CSOM - do not use this even somebody makes you do this
  • JavaScript object model (JSOM) - and libraries. Topic for my future posts REST endpoints - subject of the current post

Search Parameters

Parameters of a query (Source: SharePoint Search REST API overview)

Parameter Type Default Value Description
querytext string null A string that contains the text for the search query.
queryTemplate string null A string that contains the text that replaces the query text, as part of a query transform.
enableInterleaving bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether the result tables that are returned for the result block are mixed with the result tables that are returned for the original query. true to mix the ResultTables; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Change this value only if you want to provide your own interleaving implementation.
sourceId Guid new Guid() The result source ID to use for executing the search query.
rankingModelId string null The ID of the ranking model to use for the query.
startRow int 0 The first row that is included in the search results that are returned. You use this parameter when you want to implement paging for search results.
rowLimit int 10 The maximum number of rows overall that are returned in the search results. Compared to RowsPerPage, RowLimit is the maximum number of rows returned overall.
rowsPerPage int 0 The maximum number of rows to return per page. Compared to RowLimit, RowsPerPage refers to the maximum number of rows to return per page, and is used primarily when you want to implement paging for search results.
selectProperties string null The managed properties to return in the search results. To return a managed property, set the property's retrievable flag to true in the search schema. For GET requests, you specify the SelectProperties parameter in a string containing a comma-separated list of properties. For POST requests, you specify the SelectProperties parameter as a string array.
culture int -1 The locale ID (LCID) for the query
refinementFilters string null The set of refinement filters used when issuing a refinement query. For GET requests, the RefinementFilters parameter is specified as an FQL filter. For POST requests, the RefinementFilters parameter is specified as an array of FQL filters.
refiners string null The set of refiners to return in a search result.
hiddenConstraints string null The additional query terms to append to the query.
sortList string null The list of properties by which the search results are ordered.
enableStemming bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether stemming is enabled.
trimDuplicates bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether duplicate items are removed from the results.
timeout int 15000 The amount of time in milliseconds before the query request times out. The default value is 30000.
enableNicknames bool false A Boolean value that specifies whether the exact terms in the search query are used to find matches, or if nicknames are used also.
enablePhonetic bool false A Boolean value that specifies whether the phonetic forms of the query terms are used to find matches.
enableFQL bool false A Boolean value that specifies whether the query uses the FAST Query Language (FQL).
hitHighlightedProperties string null The properties to highlight in the search result summary when the property value matches the search terms entered by the user. For GET requests, Specify in a string containing a comma-separated list of properties. For POST requests, specify as an array of strings.
bypassResultTypes bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether to perform result type processing for the query.
processBestBets bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether to return best bet results for the query.
clientType string null The type of the client that issued the query.
personalizationData Guid new Guid() The GUID for the user who submitted the search query.
resultsUrl string null The URL for the search results page.
queryTag string null Custom tags that identify the query. You can specify multiple query tags, separated by semicolons.
trimDuplicatesIncludeId long 0
totalRowsExactMinimum int 0
impressionId string null
properties string null Additional properties for the query. GET requests support only string values. POST requests support values of any type.
enableQueryRules bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether to enable query rules for the query.
summaryLength int 180 The number of characters to display in the result summary for a search result.
maxSnippetLength int 180 The maximum number of characters to display in the hit-highlighted summary generated for a search result.
desiredSnippetLength int 90 The preferred number of characters to display in the hit-highlighted summary generated for a search result.
uiLanguage int -1 The locale identifier (LCID) of the user interface.
blockDedupeMode int -3
generateBlockRankLog bool false A Boolean value that specifies whether to return block rank log information in the BlockRankLog property of the interleaved result table. A block rank log contains the textual information on the block score and the documents that were de-duplicated.
enableSorting bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether to sort search results.
collapseSpecification string null The managed properties that are used to determine how to collapse individual search results. Results are collapsed into one or a specified number of results if they match any of the individual collapse specifications. Within a single collapse specification, results are collapsed if their properties match all individual properties in the collapse specification.
processPersonalFavorites bool true A Boolean value that specifies whether to return personal favorites with the search results.
enableOrderingHitHighlightedProperty bool false A Boolean value that specifies whether the hit highlighted properties can be ordered.
hitHighlightedMultivaluePropertyLimit int -1 The number of properties to show hit highlighting for in the search results.
queryTemplatePropertiesUrl string null The location of the queryparametertemplate.xml file. This file is used to enable anonymous users to make Search REST queries.
timeZoneId int -1

Search REST API. GET requests

Base URL for a GET request is the following:


As you can see there are 45 parameters that we can use to get relevant search results. Therefore it's easy to run into bad request error.

Use GET requests only for simple search queries to prevent error due to the length of query length.

So let's dive into SharePoint Search REST API POST request.

Search REST API. POST requests

Base URL for POST request is the following:


Pay attention there are different endpoints for GET and POST search queries.


In my samples, I'll use jQuery to perform search queries and show results on a page.

<script src=""&gt;&lt;/script>

Hello World

First of all here is a simple search POST request in SharePoint:

// SharePoint Search Query
var searchQuery = {
    request: {
        Querytext: "*"

// Request Body
var postQuery = {
    /* static part of the query*/
    method: 'POST',
    url: "/_api/search/postquery",
    headers: {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    /* /static part of the query*/

    // search query
    data: JSON.stringify(searchQuery)

// jQuery AJAX
$.ajax(postQuery).done((response) => {

Response for the first query:

Search response

Search response

RelevantResults object contains Table object. The Table object contains an array of Row objects. Each Row object contains an array of Cell. At last, Cell object contains values:

Structure of the search response

Structure of the search response

The same response we could get for GET request. The only difference is the HTTP method (GET, POST) we performed.

Query. Select Properties

Selected properties must be passed as array of string:

var searchQuery = {
    request: {
        Querytext: "*",
        SelectProperties: [
            "Title", "ListID", "ListItemID", "Author"

Query. Paging

There are two parameters which can be used for paging: StartRow (0 by default) and RowLimit (10 by default):

var searchQuery = {
    request: {
        Querytext: "*",
        StartRow: 10,
        RowLimit: 100

Query. Source

In search request, you can set the scope in which you need to find out data. Built-in search scope listed in the following table:

Name Id
Conversations 459dd1b7-216f-4386-9709-287d5d22f568
Documents e7ec8cee-ded8-43c9-beb5-436b54b31e84
Items related to current user 48fec42e-4a92-48ce-8363-c2703a40e67d
Local People Results b09a7990-05ea-4af9-81ef-edfab16c4e31
Local Reports And Data Results 203fba36-2763-4060-9931-911ac8c0583b
Local SharePoint Results 8413cd39-2156-4e00-b54d-11efd9abdb89
Local Video Results 78b793ce-7956-4669-aa3b-451fc5defebf
Pages 5e34578e-4d08-4edc-8bf3-002acf3cdbcc
Pictures 38403c8c-3975-41a8-826e-717f2d41568a
Popular 97c71db1-58ce-4891-8b64-585bc2326c12
Recently changed items ba63bbae-fa9c-42c0-b027-9a878f16557c
Recommended Items ec675252-14fa-4fbe-84dd-8d098ed74181
Wiki 9479bf85-e257-4318-b5a8-81a180f5faa1

Source in SharePoint Search is actually predefined search query transform. For example Picture scope has the following one (filter by ContentTypeId):

{?path:} {?owstaxIdMetadataAllTagsInfo:} (ContentTypeId:0x0101009148F5A04DDD49cbA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49cdA8BB4DB53328F214* OR ContentTypeId:0x010102*)

Query with declared SourceId:

var searchQuery = {
    request: {
        SourceId: "9479bf85-e257-4318-b5a8-81a180f5faa1"

Query. Refiners

A simple string which contains comma-separated refiners

var searchQuery = {
    request: {
        Refiners: "DisplayAuthor,FileType"

Query. Refiner Filter

Refiner filter passed by an array of FQL filters

var searchQuery = {
    request: {
        RefinementFilters: [
        'DisplayAuthor:"Vitaly Zhukov"',
        'FileType:or("docx", "xlsx")'

Convert Table to an array of objects

To simplify using the search result here is a very short javascript function:

// jQuery AJAX
$.ajax(postQuery).done((response) => {
    // result array of objects
    var results = [];
    response.PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults.Table.Rows.forEach(function (row) {
        // result object
        var item = {};

        row.Cells.forEach(function (cell) {
            // cell.Key = property name for result object
            item[cell.Key] = {
                Value: cell.Value,
                ValueType: cell.ValueType

        // add result object to result array

And now we have an array of objects instead of an array of arrays:

Convert Array of Array to List of objects

Convert Array of Array to List of objects
Vitaly Zhukov

Vitaly Zhukov

SharePoint Architect, Developer, Technical Trainer, Microsoft MVP (Office Development). Above 15 years of total experience working with SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, Office 365, and Microsoft stack development.

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