Bing for Business

At the end of last year, it has been announced a new feature for Microsoft/Office 365 customers named "Bing for Business". By today this new search feature is in preview mode.

In this post, I'll describe features and available settings that allow you to customize Bing for Business for your needs.

Bing for Business

Bing for Business

Enable Bing for Business

By default Bing for Business is turned off. If you have Global Admin permissions for tenant you can turn on Bing for Business for entire tenant and choose options (People, Document and Group search):

Once you turn it on it takes up to 24 hours to index your tenant content. In my case content such as documents located on SharePoint sites was been available for search in a couple of minutes. People and groups became available for search in about 12 hours.

Add users

Once Bing for Business is turned on for your tenant you need to select users for which Bing search experience will be available. In Bing for Business admin center go to Users and Permissions and select users or switch it on for entire organization:


There are three roles in Bing for Business:

  • Admin - has full control permissions
  • Editor - can manage bookmarks and Q&As
  • User - has access to business results

Tools for easy authentication

If your users use Chrome browser they can download the extension to smoothly sing into without having to provide credentials again and again. Microsoft recommends that you create a group policy to automatically install the Chrome extension.


The core feature of the service is access to your corporate data with the Bing search result page. Just type in what you find and get the results in a moment:

Find people

It’s easy to find information (such as files, profile, org chart details, upcoming meetings and group memberships) about your co-workers by using Bing for business.
You can send your co-worker an email or an instant message. Files, when users have no permissions to read, are not presented there.


Bookmarks allow users to find out company internal resources by keywords defined by Admins or Editors of Bing fo Business


Questions and Answers feature allows you to find out information about the popular questions in your company.

Bing for Business provides your corporate data to users via search built into their browsers.

Meet Bing for business

Vitaly Zhukov

Vitaly Zhukov

Tech Lead, Architect, Developer, Technical Trainer, Microsoft MVP. Over 20 years of experience in system integration and software development. I specialize in designing and implementing scalable, high-performance software solutions across various industries.

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