Central Administration Links Links for the Operations and Application Management pages in the Central Administration site.
SharePoint 2013
Информация о возможности ID fead7313-ae6d-45dd-8260-13b563cb4c71
Scope Сайт
Hidden True
ActivateOnDefault True
AlwaysForceInstall False
RootDirectory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\Template\Features\AdminLinks
ReceiverClass Microsoft.SharePoint.AdminLinksFeatureReceiver, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c
Содержимое возможности Контрол : QuickLaunchDataSourceId QuickLaunchDataSource
Sequence 5
ControlClass System.Web.UI.WebControls.SiteMapDataSource, System.Web, version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
Custom Action : App PermissionsManage app access to this farm
Id AllAppPrincipals
GroupId AppManagement
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
UrlAction /_admin/AllAppPrincipals.aspx
Custom Action : Approve or reject distribution groupsApprove or reject distribution groups
GroupId Users
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
Custom Action : Change site collection administratorsChange the primary and secondary owners of a site collection
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 60
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/owners.aspx
Custom Action : Check backup and restore job statusReview current and previous backup and restore jobs
GroupId FarmBackup
Sequence 50
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/BackupStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Check granular backup job statusView the status of an export or a site collection backup operation
GroupId GranularBackup
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/SiteBackupOrExportStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Check job statusView the status and results for the last execution of timer jobs that are enabled in the farm
Id CA_Monitoring_TJ
GroupId CA_Monitoring
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/Timer.aspx
Custom Action : Check job statusView the status and results for the last execution of timer jobs that are enabled in the farm
Id TJ_CheckJobStatus
GroupId TimerJobs
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /_admin/Timer.aspx
Custom Action : Check product and patch installation statusView the current product and patch installation status
Id PatchStatus
GroupId CA_UpgradeAndMigration
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/PatchStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Check product and patch installation statusView the current product and patch installation status
Id PatchStatus
GroupId Patch
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.UpgradeAndMigration
UrlAction /_admin/PatchStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Check upgrade statusView the status of current and previous upgrade events
Id UpgradeStatus
GroupId CA_UpgradeAndMigration
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/UpgradeStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Check upgrade statusView the status of current and previous upgrade events
Id UpgradeStatus
GroupId Patch
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.UpgradeAndMigration
UrlAction /_admin/UpgradeStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Configure alternate access mappingsConfigure the internal and public URL mapping for web applications in the farm
GroupId WebApplications
Sequence 120
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/AlternateUrlCollections.aspx
Custom Action : Configure alternate access mappingsConfigure the internal and public URL mapping for web applications in the farm
Id CA_SystemSettings_SetupAlternateAccessMappings
GroupId CA_SystemSettings
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/AlternateUrlCollections.aspx
Custom Action : Configure alternate access mappingsConfigure the internal and public URL mapping for web applications in the farm
GroupId FarmManagement
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/AlternateUrlCollections.aspx
Custom Action : Configure App URLsConfigure App URLs
Id AppManagement_AppConfig
GroupId AppManagement
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
UrlAction /_admin/ConfigureAppSettings.aspx
Custom Action : Configure backup settingsConfigure the default backup and restore settings
GroupId FarmBackup
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/BackupSettings.aspx
Custom Action : Configure cross-firewall access zoneConfigure which URL Zone should be used for cross-firewall access
GroupId FarmManagement
Sequence 60
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/SelectCrossFirewallAccessZone.aspx
Custom Action : Configure diagnostic loggingEnable and configure advanced logging settings for this farm
Id Rep_CDL
GroupId Reporting
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /_admin/metrics.aspx
Custom Action : Configure document conversionsEnable and configure document conversion capabilities
GroupId ExternalServiceConnections
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.GeneralApplicationSettings
UrlAction /_admin/DocTransAdmin.aspx
Custom Action : Configure incoming e-mail settingsEnable e-mail enabled lists
GroupId Email
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/IncomingEmail.aspx
Custom Action : Configure information rights managementProtect sensitive documents from being misused or distributed
Id InformationPolicyConfiguration
GroupId InformationPolicy
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/IrmAdmin.aspx
Custom Action : Configure managed accountsSpecify the managed accounts and their password change schedules
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 5
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/ManagedAccounts.aspx
Custom Action : Configure mobile accountConfigure a web application to use a text messaging service (SMS) for alerts, invitations, or administrator notifications
GroupId Email
Sequence 25
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/globalxmsconfig.aspx
Custom Action : Configure outgoing e-mail settingsDefine the default outgoing e-mail server and addresses
GroupId Email
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/globalemailconfig.aspx
Custom Action : Configure password change settingsSpecify the global password change notification settings
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 15
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/PasswordSettings.aspx
Custom Action : Configure privacy optionsConfigure privacy settings for this farm
GroupId FarmManagement
Sequence 50
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/Privacy.aspx
Custom Action : Configure quotas and locksConfigure the maximum size of a site collection and whether new content can be added
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 50
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/sitequota.aspx
Custom Action : Configure self-service site creationEnable users to create their own site collections at a specified url namespace
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 60
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/ConfigSSC.aspx
Custom Action : Configure self-service site creationEnable users to create their own site collections at a specified url namespace
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 80
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/ConfigSSC.aspx
Custom Action : Configure send to connectionsConfigure send to connections to external document repositories
GroupId ExternalServiceConnections
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.GeneralApplicationSettings
UrlAction /_admin/OfficialFileAdmin.aspx
Custom Action : Configure send to connections
Id CA_GeneralApplicationSettings_MRC
GroupId CA_GeneralApplicationSettings
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/OfficialFileAdmin.aspx
Custom Action : Configure service accountsManage the credentials this farm and associated services uses
Id CA_Security_CSA
GroupId CA_Security
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/FarmCredentialManagement.aspx
Custom Action : Configure service accountsManage the credentials this farm and associated services uses
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/FarmCredentialManagement.aspx
Custom Action : Configure service application associationsSpecify the service applications used by each web application
GroupId ServiceApplications
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/ApplicationAssociations.aspx
Custom Action : Configure SharePoint Designer settingsCustomize which SharePoint Designer capabilities are allowed for a given web application
GroupId SPD
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.GeneralApplicationSettings
UrlAction /_admin/SharePointDesignerAdmin.aspx
Custom Action : Configure Store SettingsUse this page to manage app acquisition settings
Id Marketplace_MarketplaceSettings
GroupId Marketplace
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
UrlAction /_admin/managemarketplacesettings.aspx
Custom Action : Configure the data retrieval serviceEnable the farm or a given web application to communicate with data consumers and sources through SOAP and XML
GroupId Databases
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/DspSettings.aspx
Custom Action : Configure usage and health data collectionEnable usage analysis and define a processing schedule
GroupId Reporting
Sequence 50
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /_admin/LogUsage.aspx
Custom Action : Confirm site use and deletionRequire site collection administrators to confirm that their site collections are in use and optionally schedule automatic site collection deletion
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/DeleteSiteConfig.aspx
Custom Action : Create site collectionsCreate a new top level web site
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/createsite.aspx
Custom Action : Create site collectionsCreate a new top level web site
Id CA_Applications_CSC
GroupId CA_Applications
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/createsite.aspx
Custom Action : Define blocked file typesDefine the file types that are not allowed to be added to a web application or globally to the farm
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/BlockedFileType.aspx
Custom Action : Delete a site collectionCompletely remove a top level site and all subsites. This operation will permanently remove all content contained in the given site collection
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/delsite.aspx?SiteId=
Custom Action : Export a site or listExport the contents of a site or a list
GroupId GranularBackup
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/SiteAndListExport.aspx
Custom Action : Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard
Id FarmConfiguration_InitialConfigWizard
GroupId FarmConfiguration
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.ConfigurationWizards
UrlAction /_admin/adminconfigintro.aspx?scenarioid=adminconfig&welcomestringid=farmconfigurationwizard_welcome
Custom Action : Manage antivirus settingsConfigure farm antivirus settings
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/AVAdmin.aspx
Custom Action : Manage App CatalogManage app catalog for a web application
Id AppManagement_CorporateCatalog
GroupId AppManagement
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
UrlAction /_admin/ManageCorporateCatalog.aspx
Custom Action : Manage App CatalogManage app catalog for a web application
Id CA_Apps_CorporateCatalog
GroupId CA_Apps
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/ManageCorporateCatalog.aspx
Custom Action : Manage App LicensesManage App Licenses
Id CA_Apps_AppLicenses
GroupId CA_Apps
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/CA_allapplicensesmanagement.aspx
Custom Action : Manage App LicensesManage App Licenses
Id Marketplace_AppLicenses
GroupId Marketplace
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
UrlAction /_admin/CA_allapplicensesmanagement.aspx
Custom Action : Manage content databasesAdd or configure content databases that are attached to a web application
GroupId Databases
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/CNTDBADM.aspx
Custom Action : Manage content databasesAdd or configure content databases that are attached to a web application
Id CA_Applications_MCD
GroupId CA_Applications
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/CNTDBADM.aspx
Custom Action : Manage farm featuresEnable or disable farm-wide SharePoint functionality
Id CA_SystemSettings_ManageFarmFeatures
GroupId CA_SystemSettings
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/ManageFarmFeatures.aspx
Custom Action : Manage farm featuresEnable or disable farm-wide SharePoint functionality
GroupId FarmManagement
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/ManageFarmFeatures.aspx
Custom Action : Manage farm solutionsDeploy or retract solution packages across the farm
GroupId FarmManagement
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/Solutions.aspx
Custom Action : Manage servers in this farmConfigure and enable services to run on the local farm
GroupId Servers
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/FarmServers.aspx
Custom Action : Manage servers in this farmConfigure and enable services to run on the local farm
Id CA_SystemSettings_MSITF
GroupId CA_SystemSettings
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/FarmServers.aspx
Custom Action : Manage service applicationsCreate or manage service applications
Id CA_Applications_MSA
GroupId CA_Applications
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/ServiceApplications.aspx
Custom Action : Manage service applicationsCreate or manage service applications
GroupId ServiceApplications
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/ServiceApplications.aspx
Custom Action : Manage services on serverSelect the services that will run on each server in the farm
GroupId ServiceApplications
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/Server.aspx
Custom Action : Manage services on serverSelect the services that will run on each server in the farm
GroupId Servers
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/Server.aspx
Custom Action : Manage services on serverSelect the services that will run on each server in the farm
Id CA_SystemSettings_MSOS
GroupId CA_SystemSettings
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/Server.aspx
Custom Action : Manage the farm administrators groupManage the farm administrators group. Members of this group have complete access to all settings in the farm and can take ownership of any content site.
Id CA_Security_MTFGA
GroupId CA_Security
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_layouts/15/people.aspx
Custom Action : Manage the farm administrators groupManage the farm administrators group. Members of this group have complete access to all settings in the farm and can take ownership of any content site.
GroupId Users
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_layouts/15/people.aspx
Custom Action : Manage trustEnable users to manage trusts with other SharePoint farms
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 25
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/ManageTrust.aspx
Custom Action : Manage user solutionsConfigure execution of site collection solutions within the local farm
GroupId FarmManagement
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
UrlAction /_admin/UserSolutions.aspx
Custom Action : Manage web applicationsCreate and configure web applications
GroupId WebApplications
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/WebApplicationList.aspx
Custom Action : Manage web applicationsCreate and configure web applications
Id CA_Applications_MWA
GroupId CA_Applications
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/WebApplicationList.aspx
Custom Action : Manage web part securityDefine the default web part settings for a site collection
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 50
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/SPSecuritySettings.aspx
Custom Action : Perform a backupBackup portions of this farm to a file
GroupId FarmBackup
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/Backup.aspx
Custom Action : Perform a backupBackup portions of this farm to a file
Id CA_Backups_PAB
GroupId CA_Backups
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/Backup.aspx
Custom Action : Perform a site collection backupBack up the contents of a site collection
Id CA_Backups_SCE
GroupId CA_Backups
Sequence 30
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/SiteCollectionBackup.aspx
Custom Action : Perform a site collection backupBack up the contents of a site collection
GroupId GranularBackup
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/SiteCollectionBackup.aspx
Custom Action : Purchase AppsPurchase apps from the SharePoint Store
Id Marketplace_PurchaseApps
GroupId Marketplace
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
UrlAction _layouts/15/Storefront.aspx?Source={Source}
Custom Action : Recover data from an unattached content databaseConnect to a content database to explore the contents or retrieve data
GroupId GranularBackup
Sequence 35
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/UnattachedDbSelect.aspx
Custom Action : Restore from a backupRestore content to this farm using a backup file
Id CA_Backups_RFAB
GroupId CA_Backups
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /_admin/BackupHistory.aspx?restore=1&filter=1
Custom Action : Restore from a backupRestore content to this farm using a backup file
GroupId FarmBackup
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/BackupHistory.aspx?restore=1&filter=1
Custom Action : Review database statusView the list of databases and their current upgrade status
Id DatabaseStatus
GroupId Patch
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.UpgradeAndMigration
UrlAction /_admin/DatabaseStatus.aspx
Custom Action : Review job definitionsReview and toggle timer jobs that are defined in this farm
Id TJ_Review
GroupId TimerJobs
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /_admin/ServiceJobDefinitions.aspx
Custom Action : Review problems and solutionsView the problems detected by the SharePoint Health Analyzer and take steps to solve those problems
Id HS_ViewProblems
GroupId HealthStatus
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /Lists/HealthReports
Custom Action : Review problems and solutionsView the problems detected by the SharePoint Health Analyzer and take steps to solve those problems
Id CA_Monitoring_HS
GroupId CA_Monitoring
Sequence 10
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
UrlAction /Lists/HealthReports
Custom Action : Review rule definitionsView and modify the list of rules that the SharePoint Health Analyzer will run to evaluate the health of your farm.
Id HS_ManageRules
GroupId HealthStatus
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /Lists/HealthRules
Custom Action : Specify authentication providersConfigure the membership and role providers that are used to authenticate users per web application zone
GroupId GeneralSecurity
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/authenticationproviders.aspx
Custom Action : Specify quota templatesCreate or edit site collection quota templates
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/ManageQuotaTemplate.aspx
Custom Action : Specify the default database serverDefine the default server where new content databases will be created
GroupId Databases
Sequence 20
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/defaultcontentdb.aspx
Custom Action : Specify web application user policyConfigure advanced user permission policies for a specific web application
Id SpecifyWebApplicationPolicy
GroupId Users
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
UrlAction /_admin/policy.aspx
Custom Action : View all site collectionsView a list of all site collections in the farm
GroupId SiteCollections
Sequence 70
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
UrlAction /_admin/SiteCollections.aspx?ReturnSelectionPage=/applications.aspx
Custom Action : View backup and restore historyConfigure the default location for backup log files
GroupId FarmBackup
Sequence 40
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
UrlAction /_admin/BackupHistory.aspx
Custom Action : View health reportsView various reports that can help you determine the health of your farm
Id Rep_RequestReport
GroupId Reporting
Sequence 50
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
UrlAction /_admin/HealthReport.aspx
Custom Action Group : App Management
Id AppManagement
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
Sequence 20
Custom Action Group : Application ManagementManage site collections, web applications, content databases, and service applications
Id CA_Applications
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 10
RequiredAdmin Delegated
Custom Action Group : AppsManage and Monitor your Apps
Id CA_Apps
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 80
Custom Action Group : Backup and RestorePerform a backup or restore operation, or view history and status details
Id CA_Backups
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 40
Custom Action Group : Configuration WizardsUse wizards to help configure advanced scenarios
Id CA_ConfigurationWizards
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 200
Custom Action Group : Databases
Id Databases
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
Sequence 40
Custom Action Group : E-Mail and Text Messages (SMS)
Id Email
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
Sequence 20
Custom Action Group : External Service Connections
Id ExternalServiceConnections
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.GeneralApplicationSettings
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Farm Backup and Restore
Id FarmBackup
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Farm Configuration
Id FarmConfiguration
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.ConfigurationWizards
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Farm Management
Id FarmManagement
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
Sequence 30
Custom Action Group : General Application SettingsConfigure general application and feature settings
Id CA_GeneralApplicationSettings
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 70
Custom Action Group : General Security
Id GeneralSecurity
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
Sequence 20
Custom Action Group : Granular Backup
Id GranularBackup
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backups
Sequence 40
Custom Action Group : Health Analyzer
Id HealthStatus
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Information policy
Id InformationPolicy
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
Sequence 30
Custom Action Group : MonitoringTrack, report, and view the health and status of your SharePoint farm
Id CA_Monitoring
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 30
Custom Action Group : Office 365
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Office365Configuration
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Office 365Configure Office 365
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 90
Custom Action Group : Reporting
Id Reporting
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
Sequence 30
Custom Action Group : SecurityManage settings for users, policy, and global security
Id CA_Security
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 50
Custom Action Group : Servers
Id Servers
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SystemSettings
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Service Applications
Id ServiceApplications
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
Sequence 30
RequiredAdmin Delegated
Custom Action Group : SharePoint and Office Store
Id Marketplace
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Apps
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : SharePoint Designer
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.GeneralApplicationSettings
Sequence 40
Custom Action Group : Site Collections
Id SiteCollections
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
Sequence 20
Custom Action Group : System SettingsManage servers, features, solutions, and farm-wide settings
Id CA_SystemSettings
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 20
Custom Action Group : Timer Jobs
Id TimerJobs
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Monitoring
Sequence 20
Custom Action Group : Upgrade and MigrationUpgrade SharePoint, add licenses, enable Enterprise features, and more
Id CA_UpgradeAndMigration
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Default
Sequence 60
Custom Action Group : Upgrade and Patch Management
Id Patch
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.UpgradeAndMigration
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Users
Id Users
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Security
Sequence 10
Custom Action Group : Web Applications
Id WebApplications
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Applications
Sequence 10
Hide Custom Action : HideDeleteWebHideActionId DeleteWeb
GroupId SiteTasks
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings
Hide Custom Action : HideRegionalSettingsHideActionId RegionalSettings
GroupId SiteAdministration
Location Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings