SharePoint. Getting Document Icon URL


All the icons for files on SharePoint are registered in the file, located at \14\TEMPLATE\XML\DOCICON.XML. Here is a small piece of it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Mapping Key="Excel.Sheet" Value="ichtmxls.gif" EditText="Microsoft Excel" />
    <!-- ... -->
        <Mapping Key="zip" Value="iczip.gif" OpenControl=""/>
        <!-- ... -->
        <Mapping Value="icgen.gif"/>

To read this data here is a static class:

/// <summary>
/// Document icons from DOCICON.XML file
/// </summary>
public static class DocumentIcons
    private static NameValueCollection ExtensionImages { get; set; }
    static DocumentIcons()
        ExtensionImages = new NameValueCollection();
        // Path to docicon.xml file
        var dociconPath = SPUtility.GetGenericSetupPath(@"template\xml") + @"\docicon.xml";
        var fi = new FileInfo(dociconPath);
        using (var stream = fi.OpenText())
            var doc = XDocument.Load(stream);
            var icons = doc.Element("DocIcons");
            var byExt = icons.Element("ByExtension");
            foreach (var ext in byExt.Elements())
                var key = ext.Attribute("Key").Value;
                var val = ext.Attribute("Value").Value;
                ExtensionImages.Add(key, "/_layouts/images/" + val);
    /// <summary>
    /// Getting document icon URL by file extension
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="extension">Extension without dot</param>
    /// <returns>URL of icon</returns>
    public static string GetIconUrl(string extension)
        return ExtensionImages[extension] ?? "/_layouts/images/ICGEN.GIF";

You can use it, for example, by creating a property in your class representing any document like this:

/// <summary>
/// Icon URL
/// </summary>
public string IconUrl
        // Get file extension
        var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ServerUrl);
        if (ext.Length > 0)
            // Cut off leading dot
            ext = ext.Substring(1);
            // Return icon&for extension
            return DocumentIcons.GetIconUrl(ext);
        // Return default icon
        return DocumentIcons.GetIconUrl(string.Empty);

PDF-file icon

To display the icon for pdf-files in SharePoint document library, it is enough to register it in the ByExtension section:

<Mapping Key="pdf" Value="icpdf.png"/>

And place icon into \14\TEMPLATE\IMAGES folder.

Vitaly Zhukov

Vitaly Zhukov

SharePoint Architect, Developer, Technical Trainer, Microsoft MVP (Office Development). Above 15 years of total experience working with SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, Office 365, and Microsoft stack development.

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