Office 365. Assigned Licenses Report


Our report is prepared by console application in Excel format (.xlsx). The report contains the following information about users:

  • DisplayName
  • Mail
  • Department
  • AccountEnabled
  • UserType

So you can run this app and find out disabled users who have licenses and decrease cost of owning your Office 365 tenant by removing such assignments.

Nuget Packages

The application uses Microsoft Graph for data retrieving. So we need to add Microsoft.Graph package to the project. Run the following command in Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Graph

Also we need Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory package for authentication in Microsoft Graph:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory

And the last package we need is ClosedXML for generation Excel file.

PM> Install-Package ClosedXML

Register application

To be able to interact with Microsoft Graph we have to register the application. You can use this guide to achieve this goal: Register your app with the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint.

There are three parameters we have to know about the app:

  1. ClientId. You can find out it on you app property page (APPLICATION ID):

  1. ClientSecret. Go to settings page of your app and create new secret key:

  1. Tenant Name - string like

Configuration (app.config)

Open app.config file and add app parameters above into appSettings section:

App created, app parameters stored into the config file. So we can start to create a report application.

Microsoft Graph Provider

Create GraphProvider.cs file with the following content:

using System.Configuration;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Graph;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;

namespace Zhukov.Demo.GraphLicensesReport
    public class GraphProvider : IAuthenticationProvider
        public async Task AuthenticateRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)

            var token = await GetToken();
            request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);

        public static async Task<string> GetToken(string resource = @"")
            var clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientId"];
            var clientKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientSecret"];
            var azureDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Domain"];
            var authory = $@"{azureDomain}";
            var creds = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientKey);
            var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authory);
            var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, creds);
            return authResult.AccessToken;

That's Microsoft Graph Provider which will be used for performing requests.

Application Code

The application will do the following:

  1. Get all users page by page until they all are retrieved;
  2. Create a table where rows are users and columns are licenses;

Getting users code:

// Microsoft Graph Provider
var provider = new GraphProvider();

// Microsoft Graph Client
var client = new GraphServiceClient(provider);

// List of users
var users = new List<User>();

// Paged Request
IGraphServiceUsersCollectionPage items = null;

// Fill up the list while next page is available
while (items == null || items.NextPageRequest != null)
    // Request to Microsoft Graph
    var itemsRequest = items?.NextPageRequest ?? client
                            .Select("displayName, mail, department, assignedLicenses, accountEnabled, userType")

    // Get Users
    items = itemsRequest
    // Add users to the list

AssignedLicenses property contains information about the product. But there is no friendly data, but only SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).


The following table contains information about Office SKU:

2B9C8E7C-319C-43A2-A2A0-48C5C6161DE7Azure Active Directory Basic
C7D15985-E746-4F01-B113-20B575898250Dynamics 365 for Field Service Enterprise Edition
6A4A1628-9B9A-424D-BED5-4118F0EDE3FDDynamics 365 for Financials for IWs
28B81EF4-B535-4E5C-AE14-BD40148C89C5Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation Enterprise Edition
8E7A3D30-D97D-43AB-837C-D7701CEF83DCDynamics 365 for Sales Enterprise Edition
E561871F-74FA-4F02-ABEE-5B0EF54DD36DDynamics 365 for Talent: Attract
1E1A282C-9C54-43A2-9310-98EF728FAACEDynamics 365 for Team Members Enterprise Edition
EA126FC5-A19E-42E2-A731-DA9D437BFFCFDynamics 365 Plan 1 Enterprise Edition
B05E124F-C7CC-45A0-A6AA-8CF78C946968Enterprise Mobility + Security E5
EFCCB6F7-5641-4E0E-BD10-B4976E1BF68EEnterprise Mobility Suite
9AAF7827-D63C-4B61-89C3-182F06F82E5CExchange Online (Plan 1)
0F9B09CB-62D1-4FF4-9129-43F4996F83F4Flow for Office 365 in E1
76846AD7-7776-4C40-A281-A386362DD1B9Flow for Office 365 in E3
FCECD1F9-A91E-488D-A918-A96CDB6CE2B0Microsoft Dynamics AX7 User Trial
F30DB892-07E9-47E9-837C-80727F46FD3DMicrosoft Flow Free
87BBBC60-4754-4998-8C88-227DCA264858Microsoft PowerApps and Logic flows
DCB1A3AE-B33F-4487-846A-A640262FADF4Microsoft PowerApps Plan 2 Trial
1F2F344A-700D-42C9-9427-5CEA1D5D7BA6Microsoft Stream Trial
57FF2DA0-773E-42DF-B2AF-FFB7A2317929Microsoft Teams
3B555118-DA6A-4418-894F-7DF1E2096870Office 365 Business Essentials
F245ECC8-75AF-4F8E-B61F-27D8114DE5F3Office 365 Business Premium
18181A46-0D4E-45CD-891E-60AABD171B4EOffice 365 Enterprise E1
6FD2C87F-B296-42F0-B197-1E91E994B900Office 365 Enterprise E3
C7DF2760-2C81-4EF7-B578-5B5392B571DFOffice 365 Enterprise E5
26D45BD9-ADF1-46CD-A9E1-51E9A5524128Office 365 Enterprise E5 without Audio Conferencing
E95BEC33-7C88-4A70-8E19-B10BD9D0C014Office Online
92F7A6F3-B89B-4BBD-8C30-809E6DA5AD1CPower App for Office 365 in E1
A403EBCC-FAE0-4CA2-8C8C-7A907FD6C235Power BI (Free)
F8A1DB68-BE16-40ED-86D5-CB42CE701560Power BI Pro
C68F8D98-5534-41C8-BF36-22FA496FA792PowerApps for Office 365 in E3
53818B1B-4A27-454B-8896-0DBA576410E6Project Online Professional
A10D5E58-74DA-4312-95C8-76BE4E5B75A0Project Pro for Office 365
8C4CE438-32A7-4AC5-91A6-E22AE08D9C8BRights Management Adhoc
1FC08A02-8B3D-43B9-831E-F76859E04E1ASharePoint Online (Plan 1)
0FEAEB32-D00E-4D66-BD5A-43B5B83DB82CSkype Enterprise Online (plan 2)
E43B5B99-8DFB-405F-9987-DC307F34BCBDSkype for Business Cloud PBX
47794CD0-F0E5-45C5-9033-2EB6B5FC84E0Skype for Business PSTN Consumption
D3B4FE1F-9992-4930-8ACB-CA6EC609365ESkype for Business PSTN Domestic and International Calling
C5928F49-12BA-48F7-ADA3-0D743A3601D5Visio Pro for Office 365

Excel Report

The last part of the application - report generation:

// New Excel Workbook
using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook())
    // Add new sheet
    using (var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Assigned licenses"))
        // row number
        var r = 1;
        // Header -->
        worksheet.Cell(r, 1).Value = "User";
        worksheet.Cell(r, 2).Value = "User Type";
        worksheet.Cell(r, 3).Value = "Email";
        worksheet.Cell(r, 4).Value = "Department";
        worksheet.Cell(r, 5).Value = "Blocked";

        // column number
        var c = 6;
        foreach (var sku in SKUs)
            worksheet.Cell(r, c).Value = sku.Value;
            c = c + 1;
        // <-- Header

        // go to the next row
        r = r + 1;

        foreach (var user in users)
            // User Information
            worksheet.Cell(r, 1).Value = user.DisplayName;
            worksheet.Cell(r, 2).Value = user.UserType;
            worksheet.Cell(r, 3).Value = user.Mail;
            worksheet.Cell(r, 4).Value = user.Department;
            worksheet.Cell(r, 5).Value = user.AccountEnabled == false ? "Blocked" : string.Empty;

            // go to 6th column (1-5 columns for user information)
            c = 6;

            foreach (var sku in SKUs)
                // is current SKU is assigned to current user
                var assignedFlag = user
                    .Any(x => x.SkuId == sku.Key);

                worksheet.Cell(r, c).Value = assignedFlag ? 1 : 0;

                // go to the next column
                c = c + 1;

            // go to the next row
            r = r + 1;

        // create table -->
        var table = worksheet.Range(1, 1, r - 1, 5 + SKUs.Count).CreateTable();
        table.Theme = XLTableTheme.TableStyleMedium2;
        // <-- create table

        // adjust column width to content
        worksheet.Columns().AdjustToContents(5, 40);

        // freeze first 2 columns

    // save the report

That's it!

Source Code

Source code is available here:

Vitaly Zhukov

Vitaly Zhukov

Tech Lead, Architect, Developer, Technical Trainer, Microsoft MVP. Over 20 years of experience in system integration and software development. I specialize in designing and implementing scalable, high-performance software solutions across various industries.

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